
Thursday, April 28, 2011

it's google on a dark screen,saves energy.

checking out a new webcomic

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

ron paul on colbert.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Sunday, April 24, 2011


Friday, April 22, 2011

Apparently lambert field in st louis was hit by a tornado. i was there about a month ago.
don't know yet if gateway in st charles was also hit; maybe not it's about 10 miles away.

proper oppossum gourmet cooking

TIL that dr menengele's teacher conducted medical experiments on an african tribe being exterminated by the germans in namibia circa 905.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit is North America's smallest rabbit, being reintroduced to the wild.

woohoo, i get a story into boingboing.
The Florida Pirate Party has fielded a candidate in for House Representative from District 86: "With your help, we can bring the state of Florida into the new digital age, in a free and open manner run by the people, and for the people." (Thanks, arbitraryaardvark!) — Cory • 1 Comment

nyt article about jump, a new math teaching process that seems to work.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

a chiluli exhibit. my cousin ted interned with him.

http://cbsbreakingnews.com/world:493679japan to stop killing whales.


Google posted this to its blog. I'm posting this as a mirror for a slashdot submission, that will get rejected.
Shepherding the wind
4/18/2011 10:18:00 AM
We recently invested approximately $100 million in the Shepherds Flat Wind Farm, anticipated to be the largest wind farm in the world. Shepherds Flat is currently under construction near windy Arlington, Ore., and when completed in 2012 will produce 845 MW of energy. That’s a lot of wind—enough to power more than 235,000 homes.

This project is exciting to us not only because of its size and scale, but also because it uses advanced technology. This will be the first commercial wind farm in the U.S. to deploy, at scale, turbines that use permanent magnet generators—tech-speak for evolutionary turbine technology that will improve efficiency, reliability and grid connection capabilities. Though the technology has been installed outside the U.S., it’s an important, incremental step in lowering the cost of wind energy over the long term in the U.S.

Shepherds Flat will help Oregon continue to be one of the top wind producing states in the nation, while providing significant direct economic benefits to the state. The project will also benefit the region by helping California meet its aggressive renewable energy goals with a cost-effective and clean wind resource. The electricity produced at Shepherds Flat will be sold under long term agreements to Southern California Edison.

The Shepherds Flat Wind Farm under construction with me in the center and my colleagues Arielle Bertman and Matthew Stepka.

We look forward to joining a project with strong experienced partners such as the developer, Caithness Energy, and GE, which is an early investor in Shepherds Flat as well as the turbine manufacturer and operations and maintenance supplier. Our co-investors are Sumitomo Corporation of America, a subsidiary of Sumitomo Corporation, and Tyr Energy, a subsidiary of ITOCHU Corporation, bohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifth of which have deep experience in power projects.

This project brings our total invested in clean energy to more than $350 million, including our most recent investments in a German solar photovoltaic plant and in the BrightSource Ivanpah solar power tower—the largest solar energy project in the world. We’re excited about helping deliver clean energy to the grid and we hope this latest investment encourages other companies to think about ways they can help accelerate the deployment of more renewable energy. We remain on the lookout for more projects that make business sense and will help all of us take advantage of clean, renewable energy.

Posted by Rick Needham, Director of Green Business Operations

a better article

the prophesy. an old woman has a vision about marc emery, from his autibio that he is writing while a political prisoner in mississippi.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

Monday, April 18, 2011

til why better crocker cake mix needs and egg. great video.
Yesterday was not just velociraptor awareness day, it was the day of paul revere's ride.
i celebrated by fixing coffee with my revereware pots.

Cory Doctorow short story collection With A Little Help. It's shareware; you can read it for free, or send him something of value e.g. cash. or tiki. To do: re-read makers.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

http://www.hulu.com/watch/214240/dream-for-an-insomniac pretty good movie. imdb mackenzie astin as the male lead. he was the lead in iron will, which i haven't seen,and otherwise hasn't done much, the usual bit parts, but i think he makes a fine male lead. ione skye carries the movie. don't know if astin is part of the sean, john astin patty duke set. yes, wikipedia says he is sean's younger half brother. the only thing i'd seen him in was "the last days of disco."

Friday, April 15, 2011

http://www.explainxkcd.com/ glad to know this exists. 1 million people found out before i did.

tynan meets yuka. nice little story.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

word for the day: demonym
yo, yo-yo ma, interpretive dance
Delaware passes civil unions, bill heads to governor. Bill's sponsor is someone I went to elementary school with.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

To understand the U.S. federal budget, divide by 100,000,000

Mark Frauenfelder at 12:00 PM Wed

Philip Greenspun divided the U.S. 2011 federal budget by 100,000,000 and wrote a little parable:

We have a family that is spending $38,200 per year. The family's income is $21,700 per year. The family adds $16,500 in credit card debt every year in order to pay its bills. After a long and difficult debate among family members, keeping in mind that it was not going to be possible to borrow $16,500 every year forever, the parents and children agreed that a $380/year premium cable subscription could be terminated. So now the family will have to borrow only $16,120 per year.
Understanding Congress's solution to the federal deficit problem

a comment from Roy Trumbull
I think Dickens had it right in David Copperfield:
'My other piece of advice, Copperfield,' said Mr. Micawber, 'you know. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery. The blossom is blighted, the leaf is withered, the god of day goes down upon the dreary scene, and—and in short you are for ever floored. As I am!'

the latest build of firefox3 wasn't working right so i went to firefox4, a week after everyone else did. had it two days; it's crashed 4 times. some of the commands arent where the were last time, so it'll take a week or so before my reflexes open tabs instead of windows again, and i'm not sure if the back button is working right, no, I have to use the history button instead of the back button to take multiple steps back, unless there's a command i'm not seeing yet. this week i discovered subreddits, something wil wheaton's been pushing for a year or so. procrastinating my voter ID lawsuit way past a deadline, so my case/ might get tossed out if i don't get something in soon.

a short from cory a bit preachy, but nice.

it's in his latest short story collection.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Joseph Gordon-Levitt express yourself JGL snl vid set to sam tsui dynamite. trailer for brick, a jgl film noir i havent seen yet.
Mysterious Skin - Official Trailer seems to be a good role in a bad movie.

jacob and jackie evancho you are my sunshine jackie get millions of youtube hits. a few seconds of the sunshine clip plays when jackie was on jay leno. jacob looks like a younger matthew lush.

Friday, April 08, 2011

til that one guy max martin writes the hit songs for britney spears adam lambert pink kelly clarkson usher april lavine etc.
and that 2 billion people have hepatitis B. new car engine invented
that Newfoundland did not become part of canada until 1949.

Monday, April 04, 2011

til (today i learned): wikipedia comes from hawaiian wiki wiki meaning fast.

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