
Sunday, June 29, 2014

the comments at the washington post aren't working for me tonight.
"Unable to retrieve Canvas config from the storage".
Baude has a post on the recent noel canning case.

I was going to comment something to the effect that Scalia's argument in Noel Canning is backwards from what he argued dissenting in McIntyre v Ohio. In McIntyre, he argued for a living constitution, where rights expire if not used by the best-by date. This is the opposite of what he is usually known for.


Saturday, June 28, 2014

story about a $40 lawyer. hat tip from nick sarwark.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Indiana legalized gay i mean same sex marriage today by order of a federal judge, a long time coming.

update: a stay has been granted by the 7th circuit, so marriages are on hold again.
update: now kentucky

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Pageview chart 100010 pageviews

well that only took ten years.

fan service to follow.

when the anarchists ruled iceland

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Criminal conversation, like the Holy Roman Empire, is neither. 
- Eugene Volokh, writing about a north carolina decision finding adultery statute unconstitutional. That reminds of me of when Earl Grey was lord privy seal, "not a lord, not a privy, and not a seal."

Monday, June 16, 2014


some of the links in this post have expired so this is a note to self to redo it.
that was my post collecting versions of "the tide is high" which i first knew as a blondie song.
as i creep toward 100,000 hits i might pull out a few of my favorite posts from the past ten years of doing this pointless unpopular blog, which i keep doing just for myself. currently at about 99,500. what it lacks in audience it makes up in stability - i've had blogs that got 200,000 hits a month but vanished in a few months,
but blogger keeps working.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Jeph Jacques will be in Indy for Gencon, 8/14-16. Dunno yet if I'll be in town or not, work happens sometimes.

My mom, sister and nephew at Buckingham palace yesterday for the Queen's birthday party.

Friday, June 13, 2014



canadians get right to be anonymous online.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

92 yesterday, lawrence shepard reminded me.

what i've been reading lately:

swanson on swanson, gloria swanson's bio, written at 80, delightful.
an authorized bio of agatha christie,
letters of g h w bush.
i find republican politicians more interesting when they get to tell their own stories.
i have read some nixon, goldwater, reagan, and now bush. dunno if ford wrote a book.

Friday, June 06, 2014

my computer had been saying "please wait...." for 3 days so it's in the shop and i'm on a $75 dinosaur of a laptop running windows xp, some sort of pentium thinkpad from 10ish years ago.
at least i'm back online kind of.
loading chrome took ages, but i was able to catch up at electionlawblog.com and questionablecontent,
so it'll do.

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