
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

michigan avenue instrumental rolling stones blues 1964

down the road apiece

I don't like the 1970s-era rolling stones, but i've been aware for a while they were at one time a blues band,and i'm just today getting around to looking up some of those early songs.

12 X 5 London Records1964
The Rolling Stones Decca1964
Around And Around Decca1964
The Rolling Stones, Now! London RecordsLondon Records1965
Out Of Our Heads DeccaDecca1965
No. 2 DeccaDecca1965

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2FCAu79pTE under the boardwalk, rolling stones version

Monday, November 28, 2016


noexcuselist.com breaks down learning resources by category (art, programming, languages, etc).
usefulinterweb.com has a running list of useful and educational links updated daily.
openculture.com does kinda the same thing.
class-central.com allows you to search free online courses offered by various universities and websites.
become your own dj, make mashups etc.- http://you.dj/
need to know where the closest place with free wifi is?- http://www.openwifispots.com/
Great tool of you want to practise touch typing.

the OSU shooter.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

collected works of the reddit poet laureate, "poem for your sprog".

shows i have not yet bingewatched:
black mirror
silicon valley
orange is the new black
i'm sure there are others, so this is a list i can update later.
i have lost interest in person of interest, and i'm almost finished dexter.
i might watch one episode of better off ted.
louie, lucky louie.
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt?
season 2 of fargo
the americans
one mississippi (tig notaro)
any orphan black new episodes?
later seasons of uk shameless
uk the office.
the sopranos
six feel under
boardwalk empire
high meaintenance?

i no longer bother reading books.

Friday, November 25, 2016



Thursday, November 24, 2016

Dinner tonight looked something like this. We were the only ones in the restaurant.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

words for the day: moustronauts, astrobiffins.

Monday, November 21, 2016

paint it black. sierra cover of a rolling stones song i grew up with.
heard it at the club last night.
the performer who was dancing to the song, Calico, doesn't want to go see Alan Cumming
with me Dec 3, so I might not go, or might ask someone else.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdrxMfo4wAw&list=PL5XixTDxMmodOToxZmV2aRHfQVh-eN5Ed&index=5 here's a bit of his show last month or maybe last year in downtown indy,
a commercial for a new trojan condom.

paint it black. sierra cover of a rolling stones song i grew up with.
heard it at the club last night.
the performer who was dancing to the song, Calico, doesn't want to go see Alan Cumming
with me Dec 3, so I might not go, or might ask someone else.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdrxMfo4wAw&list=PL5XixTDxMmodOToxZmV2aRHfQVh-eN5Ed&index=5 here's a bit of his show last month or maybe last year in downtown indy,
a commercial for a new trojan condom.

Friday, November 18, 2016

site with free audiobooks.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jquRLLA78E henry rollins chat.

I didn't realize the Henry Rollins show was Tuesday. Today is Friday, so I missed it.
I've still never seen him in person. I've missed his shows by a few days several times.


The Wire, the Musical.

Monday, November 14, 2016

                                                   assange cat is watching you.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

song of the nightengale

Thursday, November 10, 2016

cigarette use by americans has dropped from 21% to 15% over the past ten years.
an unknown number of those are now vaping instead.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

justice thomas' greatest hits


Monday, November 07, 2016


Saturday, November 05, 2016

I'm headed home from chicago to indy - phoenix really but flew through chicago - and it's saturday night so i figured i'd stop into lafayette for a cup of coffee and to see how the gay bar scene here is.
Apparently there isn't one, and this article from 2011 helps explain why.

I don't know all the current status of things, but I found the article of interest, from an administrative law point of view. To get a $1000 liquor license, you need a letter from the mayor, and he always writes the letter, except in this one case of a gay bar.

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