
Thursday, December 29, 2016

word for the day: Illeist
The arbitrary aardvark sometimes likes to refer to itself in the 3rd person.
an illeist is someone who refers to themself in the third person.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Monday, December 26, 2016

word for the day: barotrauma

i assume from context it means injury due to change in pressure.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

http://skyhorsebus.com. better than greyhound. it's the chinatown bus in cincinatti; my car is back in the shop so i'm using fly by night methods to get to the each coast in the cheaapest most ad hoc way.
gotobus.com is more of th system, googling for chinatown bus seems most complete.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


a bunch of ways to tie a tie.


neal stephenson essay about rockets



Monday, December 12, 2016

https://letsjusthackshit.org/ platypus project.

Word for the day: Spinifex. a kind of australian grass.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Blast at Egyptian Coptic cathedral kills at least 25

 I met a man tonight whose cousin, and the cousin's two sons, were killed by this bombing.


i didnt know frank sinatra had a tv show.  October 18, 1957 complete show

Saturday, December 10, 2016

supreme court allows execution of innocent alabama man.
i'm using innocent in a technical sense here: the guy was not sentenced to death by a jury, so the presumption of innocence applies. it's not that he didn't kill the clerk. "I shot the clerk?", he confessed, or was that the Oscar winning "My Cousin Vinnie."

Monday, December 05, 2016


While people can reasonably disagree about how organ markets should be structured and the extent to which they need to be regulated, there is a very strong case for legalizing them in order to save the lives of thousands of innocent people who are otherwise doomed to an early (and often painful) death, and tens of thousands more who must otherwise undergo years of needless suffering.

ilya somin at volokh.

word for the day, a portmanteau, frenemesis,

Indeed, I’ve been rewatching the original series at the same time as the revival has come out, and I’ve found myself much more interested in the bad things about the seeming-heroes of the series and the good things about the seeming-villains. Here, for instance, is the positive case for Paris Geller, Rory’s frenemesis, and here is the case for grandmother Emily Gilmore as the real hero of the show. 
That's Will Baude at Volokh.com. baudewatcher bonus:

Saturday, December 03, 2016


bert the machine kreischer in indy next week.

Friday, December 02, 2016


bert the machine kriesher standup

Thursday, December 01, 2016

meme'd version of gorillaz' "feel good". Bass plays bass.

baudewatch: will baude is posting at the volokh conspiracy again, about some seventh circuit en banc cases heard yesterday. i'll add links later when i'm more awake.

word for the day: contango. It's investment jargon about futures prices, but it's a real word, or at least it's been around over 100 years. I'd never heard it before.

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