Companies producing such stones have sprung up all over China, churning out an estimated 160,000 to 200,000 carats of gem-quality diamonds every month. That’s enough to propel the country to the world’s top spot in terms of synthetic production, industry insiders believe.
So I'm buying an old house in a happening area where I used to rent 25 years ago, and I don't plan to spend the $ for a full rehab,
but I'll take a tip from Joe Kennedy and just paint the side that faces the street. The house painter I talked to didn't know what Trompe L'oeil was, so I'll ask my former roommate/art teacher buddy if she's interested in a commission. Update - she said yes.
Located on the 800-900 block of North Rural Street, the Teacher’s Village will be a close-knit community comprised of 20-25 brightly-colored, bungalow-style homes— and will be available to IPS teachers in their first-, second-, or third-year. Homes are expected to be completed May 2018, and will enter the market starting at $130,000. I'm in the middle of buying an $8000 house a block from there, so this is good news to me.