
Saturday, November 15, 2003

Baude, Will, crescateer, writes about a cocaine using bus driver: should his doctor rat him out?
Considerations: maybe being angry paranoid and threatening is a good set of skills for a bus driver? I'm gonna take a wild guess here, that Will hasn't known too many habitual coke users. There tends to be rapid deterioration.
In this case, the doctor hasn't ok'd him to drive, so what's the issue?
Further, shouldn't the concern be whether he's doing his job? Or is this a union gig where you can't get rid of a bad apple except by accusing them of drugs? I'm a bad driver, angry, paranoid, threatening, when I've had too much coffee. I stopped driving a year ago, because I have concerns about my competence. I've never taken a job that involved driving kids, just packages. It's a level of responsibility for others that I don't want. I'm less risk-adverse about myself.

Here, the doctor should cover her ass, by getting the lawyer to take responsibility, in writing.

Snarky extra bit: we know from Roe v. Wade that doctor-patient confidentiality is more important than busloads of kids being killed.

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