
Sunday, November 16, 2003

ethics for blogs, which i will follow some of the time.
1 If you mention something that is on the Net somewhere, link to it.
2. Once you have posted, do not make substantive changes to the post. Add an UPDATE if necessary. Typo corrections and stylistic changes are accepted. Some bloggers put a time limit on how long after a post they will make nonsubstantive changes but there's no consensus opinion on how long that is yet.

3. If you find something through the direction of another blogger, credit the blogger. Often, this is done in the
form (Hat tip: ----). Many people actually include full sentences such as "I read on ------'s blog that . . . ."

4. There are varying views on how much control the blogmaster should have over comments. It is generally agreed that the comment policy should be prominently displayed on your blog for all to see.

If you choose to follow BLAP, you can proudly display the BLAP logo on your blog with a link to the list. If you don't choose to follow BLAP or trumpet the fact that you follow BLAP, it makes no difference to me.

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