
Thursday, November 13, 2003

Gee, you can buy a blog off the shelf now.
This was from a blogger ad.
Perhaps I should offer to provide content for those firms who buy their blogs prepackaged. Sure, for $10/hr. I'll update your firm's blog, saving valuable associates' time. $20/hr if I don't get to make snide coments.

...awMarketing, a leading provider of online marketing services to individual attorneys and law firms, now offers:

Blog Implementation Services

What's a blog? If you don't know, you're missing out on one of the hottest legal marketing tools around.

Among other things, blogs can help individual attorneys and law firms:

secure higher search engine rankings
raise their profile with the media
demonstrate their expertise to prospective clients.
Don't just take our word for it. Click here to see a recent article on blogs posted to the American Bar Association website.

To view sample law blogs designed and launched by eLawMarketing and our joint venture partner, the Law Marketing Portal, click on any of the thumbnail images in the righthand column.

Our blog implementation services include the following:

implement blogging environment, including software selection and hosting arrangement

design a blog template that matches the look-and-feel of your website

train attorney in basic blogging tasks such as posting entries and adding links

promote blog, including submission to search engines and blog directories, and publicize launch to other attorney bloggers.
Ready to get started? Click here to have someone contact you today. Or call us toll free at

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