
Saturday, November 15, 2003

Here's a coment I just posted to the extreme ashcroft thread at alas a blog:
Polyamory? Check.
BDSM? Check.
Role-playing geekery? Check.
Star Wars geekery? Check.

Thanks everybody. I hoped if I could get jim to write about extreme, it might get some discussion going, but this is more than I expected.
Deliberately provocative:
Ok, instead of vanilla, how about mundane?

Vanilla is the flower (or bud?) of an orchid from madagascar, which has a rich diverse ecosystem including lemurs. As I blogged at http://vark.blogspot.com, sometimes I use vanilla extract instead of perfume. I don't know whether the vanilla industry is good or bad for the lemurs. Vanilla ice cream, on the other hand, involves the oppression and abuse of female and young bovines, so I don't buy it for the same reasons I don't buy porn. Supporting the farm animal reform movement resists rape culture.
I used to think 'thought police' was just an expression, but showa-era japan, and there's a rape culture for you, really had thought police.
Suprisingly effective too; Japanese intel at the beginning of the war was much better than the allies', before enigma was cracked by the nsa
(see crypotonomicon.)
I believe that empowering ashcroft does more to support rape culture than empowering lizzie borden does. It's a 'lesser evil' problem.
I'm not completely insensitive to rape. My ex was raped in 1981 at knifepoint by Mohammed Zabeeb, on the hill across from CU Boulder. The Boulder police wouldn't even take a report. The percent of convictions for reported rapes is far less than 30% - I'd guess 1-3%.
Ashcroft is about putting people in jail for their speech or what they eat or drink or smoke, and doesn't seem to be doing anything to combat prison rape, another rape culture.
If freud was onto something in thinking our preferences form as young children, maybe one way to change rape culture is to work harder at protecting young males from violence and abuse from their parents and caretakers. In the ghetto, where I live, a lot of mothers seem to hate their children, hit them and scream at them, and those kids grow up angry and hurt, drop out of school, look for victims for their anger, go to prison, and learn to become professional rapists/gangsters. I'm not certain how to break the cycle of violence, but I think diet, the daily violence against animals, has a lot to do with it. Again, great comments here. There's a community going on in this blog, that I didn't know about before. I participate in a few other online communities, such as http://chatter.monkeylaw.org. I am hoping to find some tech support to build a .php forum which would have places to comment on some of the blogs that don't currently have comments sections. If that happens, I'll invite you all to stop by.
- arbitrary aardvark

Posted by arbitrary aardvark at November 15, 2003 02:43 AM

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