
Saturday, November 15, 2003

Interesting post at alas a blog re gender identity. quote:

Core identity (how you see yourself)
Biological sex (the official opinion of who you are)
Sexual/romantic attractions (who you gravitate towards)
Sexual/romantic attractiveness (who gravitates toward you)
Gender expression (mannerisms, clothes, affinities, interests)
Social perception (what conclusions people tend to make of you)
So for Jasperboi it lines up like this:

Core identity Androgynous boy
Biological sex Female (and yes I do know my karyotype, I'm a child of the 80s!)
Sexual/romantic attractions Androgynous men, masculine gay men, feminine men, masculine women
Sexual/romantic attractiveness Gay men, lesbian women, very young straight women
Gender expression Androgynous pansy dandy butch
Social perception ???????/sir/ma’am/pretty boy/butch lesbian/barely legal gay boy/?????

So for me:
Core: androgenous boy
Biological sex: [ask if you need to know]
Sexual/romantic attractions - twinks, dykes, waifs, kids, geeks.
Sexual/romantic attractiveness: men, aardvarks
Gender expression: manly voice, androgenous clothes, barfly
Social misperception: monosexual

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