
Saturday, November 15, 2003

My friend wil showed me this Colgate Money Shot story. Not wil the pornographer/lion tamer, and not Will the Crescateer.
(I don't know if we're friends or not, but he's sent me some nice emails recently.) That other one. The one who got me blogging - oh, cool, ok,
Wil da Blogfather. In whose comments section I just posted the below. meanwhile, it's saturday night, quarter to 12, and the techno is starting to pound from next door, so I have to go get ready for the black mass in the garage.

Today's been busy. Robbed at knifepoint. I'd called 911, so the guy -lonnie, april's cousin, same guy who stole the lawnmower last summer, and a henchman, took off as the cops showed up. Cop was the usual rude abusive routine, got really hostile when i wouldn't give my ssn without a privacy act statement. A McLemore Car B259, case number IP03114670. Indy policy is to give the theives a 10 day head start before assigning it to a dectective, who will do nothing, and be very offended if you suggest otherwise.
Then we, Joell and Jesse, went to Golden Corral and then to an art exhibit at the canary cafe. I finally got to meet the artist's sister and littlest nephew, and Gregg was there and Joell's sister Jackie who I hadn't seen since she kicked heroin. I hope to scan the postcard from the exhibit, which was of my favorite piece, a vase of roses in oils. I forgot to tell the niece how much I liked the Hillary Duff video - she's a fan.

(Wil wrote about a comedy scetch sch... bit... about "too hip for the room.")
I think the hipster thing would be even funnier if it were a real product, and actually for sale, and have people not be sure if you are just mocking them. I haven't seen the um xray specs infomercial, but it could include digs at that, sort of giving the impression that you'll have a new product every month, like that mega-everything kevin guy. Perhaps you could delegate this task to your army of monkeys, open source ronco. Whether you sell 3 or 3000, it's just funnier that way, to me.
Along those lines, if you care to say, the first db printing was 2000, but i'm unclear on whether the 2nd and 3rd were also for 2000, or you scaled up.

Posted by arbitrary aardvark at November 15, 2003 08:26 PM
p.s. and you could hold auditions for has-been celebrity guest cohosts, like, say, rick berman.

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