
Thursday, November 13, 2003

There was a knock on my door just now. A friend who I've been mentoring dropped off a paper,
Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence: Effective Treatment of Women who are Dual Diagnosed.
She fell of the wagon the other day and I probably won't see her for awhile while she's in treatment.
That's exactly what this blog is for, personal stuff that doesn't fit in an election law blog, but I want to write about, get stuff out of my head and into print. That doesn't mean that this will be a "what I had for breakfast" sort of blog. I have other, unpublished, blogs for my personal life. This is a blog of ideas and memes.
Eric S Raymond (ESR) taxonomizes blogs into thinkers, linkers, and diarists. The emphasis here is on linking, in that most posts will be reaction to other posts or memes elsewhere, but it's aa mix of all three types.
As I type, I am interupted by the sound of about 40 bottle rockets going off. At least it's not mortor fire. Unlike most bloggers, I live in the hood,
the wrong side of the tracks in a city in the midwest.

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