
Thursday, November 13, 2003

Volokh cites the WSJ P.1 (11/13/03?) for this plan to beat bush:

(1) "Neutralize Bush's national security edge by fanning doubts about his Iraq policy." I'll need an Iraqi translator and a copy of Red Dawn.

(2) "Craft economic attacks that can work even if the economy keeps improving."
"The Bushes: throwing money at the problem since 1923." From Prescott to George to Dubya, the Bushes stand for deficit spending, more regulation, less freedom.

(3) "Dent the president's reputation for honesty and competence."
Bush is a liar and an oathbreaker, but more honest than clinton. He is competent at raising institutionalized graft, and at rewarding the special interests that give it to him. About par with clinton on that.
(4) "Mobilize Democratic partisans in 17 states that Mr. Bush barely won or lost in 2000." Maybe the partisans will be motivated by the legalization of homemade machine guns. Take that either way.

(5) "And maneuver around the new campaign-finance law by redirecting now-banned big donations away from the Democratic Party to a new set of groups that will coordinate attacks on Mr. Bush."
I will plan to set up an e-gold account to accept anonymous contributions for
criticising Bush. I'll spend the money as it suits me, and not in coordination with any Democratic (or other) campaign.
One little project for the first grand in donations could be to develop the "beat the Bushes" board game.
Ok, kids, let's put on a show. This sounds like a game plan to me. Let's roll.

(1) "Neutralize Bush's national security edge by fanning doubts about his Iraq policy."

(2) "Craft economic attacks that can work even if the economy keeps improving."

(3) "Dent the president's reputation for honesty and competence."

(4) "Mobilize Democratic partisans in 17 states that Mr. Bush barely won or lost in 2000."

(5) "And maneuver around the new campaign-finance law by redirecting now-banned big donations away from the Democratic Party to a new set of groups that will coordinate attacks on Mr. Bush."

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