
Wednesday, December 31, 2003

I notice I haven't blogged here much at all for a couple of months.
Excuses excuses: some juvenile deliquents in my neighborhood decided it was aardvark season, so i've been using my martial arts skills, which consist mostly of running and hiding. Philadelphia, Milwaukee, anywhere they wouldn't think to look for me. I leave out most of the details - if I told all of what's happened, no one would believe me. It's been exhiliarating, in a what doesn't kill me makes me stronger sort of way. Spent today getting last minute CLE credits to keep my law license, which is why i'm back in town. To do: find cheap apartment. get carry permit.
At the CLE, I made a new client. Well, i ran into an old client, and explained to him why he doesn't need to pay the $1000 they fined him - he'd already paid $600 of it. Getting the $600 back will be tricky.

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