
Saturday, January 17, 2004

Three days of posts on volokh leave much to respond to.
It's an overwhelmingly amazing resource.
Among the topics:
what would an immortal drive?
new austrian journal at nyu
the rest of the story about the courthouse crawl - the plantiff Lane is a killer, a liar, and a habitual criminal, who staged the incident.
Speaking of liars (I saw part of big fat liar last night - frankie muniz is cute, but the movie will disapoint anyone over age 8.) here's a letter i just sent to national review's new deanism colomn:

This isn't exactly the kind of deanism you are looking for, but here's a meme i'd like to spread.
Dean's frontrunner status has been fueled by the internet.
I'd like each of those contributors and endorsers to take alook at American Booksellers v Dean. In that case, Dean's attempts to impose censorship on the internet were found unconstitutional for two reasons.
1) Commerce - Vermont is not in charge of the internet.
2) Freedom of speech - Dean can't compel adults on the internet to use babytalk, that is, to refrain from any speech that might be harmful to children.

There are several reasons people might object to Dean's stance as shown by that case.
1) the internet is a good thing, shutting down the internet via censorship is a bad thing.
2) he swore an oath of office to uphold the constitution,
and violated that oath by signing the internet censorship bill.
This country caan't afford another clintonesque compulsive liar.
(for the record, i find bush equally offensive; i am disapointed that no party seems to be able to find an honest man who will uphold the oath of office to support the constitution.)

neologism: if a dean comment is tagged as a deanism, can we say it's been byorked?

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