
Friday, February 06, 2004

Alexander \Sasha\ Volokh

To: arbitraryaardvark@themail.com
Subject: Re: step 4, marxist anarchism
Date: Thu, Feb 05 10:27 PM

I agree (maybe I'll post on this later). The commune you describe might
work because it's voluntary and people can leave. The political problem
involves nation-states, where people can't leave. No problem here!
I agree that Marxism involves more than just a political system, it's
a way of looking at history, language, etc., and I agree with you that
can unbundle these, and the general perspective may still be useful.

Alexander "Sasha" Volokh, sasha@volokh.com href="http://volokh.com" target="_new">http://volokh.com
"I'd like to know if I could compare you to a summer's day. Because
well, June 12th was quite nice, and..." - Terry Pratchett, Wyrd

sasha has an interesting and wrong theory of morality, i'm gonna skip fisking it.
his comment about "not being able to leave" reminds me what's wrong with the limits to immigration being discussed at volokh.com
(barnett or bernstein, i think).
limiting immigration from immoral states legitimizes them.
america with closed borders isn't america anymore.
of course, it hasn't been for awhile, and maybe never was.

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