
Wednesday, February 04, 2004

bingo! this is the attorney who denied me a hearing and an appointment re denial of my drivers license reinstatement.
Attorney Number: 4318 82
Firm Name:
Address 1: BMV 100 N. SENATE AVENUE
Address 2: ROOM N-440
State: IN
Zip: 46204-0000
Phone: 317-233-8901
Admit Date: 09/17/1985
Status: Active in Good Standing
Status Date: 09/17/1985

update: found her blog. working hard to try to turn this around -
empathy, compassion, that sort of thing.
but mostly i'm feeling rage against the machine.
update the next day: ok that worked, she's too nice to fully hold a grudge against. she, and her flunkies, were rude to me in a way that may have been a breach of professional ethics, may have been misfeasance in office, and definately violated my state and federal constitutional rights,
but it could have been a failure to communicate, so i'll take a shot at smoothing it out.

Tomorrow I get to try, yet again, to convince the Powers That Be that the attack on the World Trade Center did not invalidate civil rights or the prohibitions against discrimination based on national origin. I expect to fail, but when the ACLU sues the state on the next grand plan, I want to be able to say "I told you so." As for tonight? I'm planning to bake brownies with my kidlet. I can't think of a better thing to do on a snowy night.
to my husband giving up law courtesy of clinical depression at the end of January. ...

i didn't know joshua was autistic.
That is that I will never permit myself to say "because of his autism my son can't do "x"", whatever "x" happens to be. His only limitation is what we're willing to try, and I won't be the thing that limits him. I've had practice. I've always taken someone telling me I wasn't capable of doing something as if they'd thrown a gauntlet. First it makes me angry, and then I set out to prove them wrong. Now, I find, I'm ready to do the same for Joseph. No one has tested it yet in practical reality, but I find myself responding to generalities in things I read with "oh, yeah? We'll see about that."...Tomorrow I shall be playing diligent lawyer, this time on my private cases. Monday is a holiday. Yaaaay!...I feel sorry for the Commissioner. What isn't being reported is that this ring has apparently been operating for at least seven years, through several administrations. The current Commissioner is being blamed for something he did not set us up for at all. He has in fact tightened id requirements tremendously, often over the vociferous objections of the inconvenienced public. I think personally he really has stepped on some civil rights, but that's just my personal opinion.*
This one concerned the prevalence of depression among attorneys. It said "Approximately 8% of Americans suffer from depression. Among attorneys, some studies have found that number to be as high as 25%."

To do: go back with camera, document incident. Bring info, maybe prepare stern letter. No need to actually draft the complaint at this point.
* It's more than her personal opinion - she has actual knowledge that her department is conspiring to violate civil rights, an ongoing federal felony, 17 usc 241, 242, so her obligation as an attorney is to fix it or get out.
Otherwise her job title is consigliori.

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