
Thursday, February 05, 2004

I've been writing a fair bit lately about the transition to a post-scarcity economy, in which stuff and cash is less important, rep more so, access to data. But I hadn't thought much until just now of how my years in boulder helped out with that perspective. Boulder's a good place to be rich or poor, not in between. Lots of bookstores and coffeeshops, little boutiques from mountain cultures around the world. Not much manufacturing. Social status based on hipness points. Declasse. It's a good model for where we're headed.
Moving to hannibal was like stepping into a time machine from 2000 to 1950.
I've known that i'm an early adopter. But the boulder years leveraged that.
Ok, any hip college town is that way, most of california, parts of london or new york or most of toronto. But boulder alittle more so than most places.
Just somethng that hit me and i decided to write down. Maybe this isn't the right blog for this entry. But it'll do.

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