
Sunday, March 14, 2004

Ampersand has numbers.
I have heavily edited ampersand's post to remove words and keep numbers. Can anyone provide confirming data or other stats?

17 [U.S. workers] die - 16 of them male." In the comments to my post, Arbitrary Aardvark wrote:
In 2000, 440 men + 1247 women way, 30%. If 30% of the 1247 in 2001 were 374 housewives murdered.
2000 there were 5,471 male and 449 female workplace deaths. If we included 374 murdered housewives
5,471 male + 823 female workplace deaths in 2000.
Of course, that "374" 30% number is wrong. And girlfriends?
data even exists. In 2000, 6,495 fatal accidents female drivers + 15,323 involving male drivers). 1,949 housewives died while driving a car in 2000. 1,949 Still, what the heck. Let's add those 1,949 women to the workplace death total ( were 5,471 male and 2,772 female workplace deaths in 2000. Read the whole thing.

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