
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

John Young quote.
one of the lists i'm on is cyberia-l. It's mostly, but not all, lawyers. My brother the genius programmer got me on it awhile back. (10 years ago? eek.) one of the guys who posts there is john young, an architect and activist. His cryptome.org site copies leaked government reports and suchlike. He has a distinctive prose style I've enjoyed, and thought I'd share with my imaginary readers here.
Date: Sat Mar 6, 2004 11:50am
Subject: Re: REP Senate staff hack DEM Senate computers -- redux

Coming late to this discussion, but it should be clear now,
after untold number of communications security breaches,
since Eve lured Adam (or so Adam exculpated), that
security rests with the party offering information (witting
or unwitting leaker), not with the service provider, system
administrator, law enforcement, or wishful thinkers, much
less glass-house rock-throwing moralizers.

The Senate Dems are as likely to be blaming the Reps
for ethical breach to hide their own malfeasance as do
cops and spooks and adulterers, much less kids and
parents, and priests and rabbis, you and you and you,

Technology producers and (national) security experts
are forever blaming users for lack of security even as
they peddle weak systems, made so to save on operating
costs (canard: sysadmins must have full access to data
for sysadminning), or to boost their careers, or to
accommodate law enforcement and natsec contract

If you wish there was someway to get truly secure
communications, then shut the fuck up, and stop
preening tumescences, ah, bragging of your intellectual
acuity, ah, eggo on your faceo.

Bang your noggin with a 2x4: unauthorized snooping is
as old as God, supreme panopticon. Pity those of
us who hope we're being surveilled benevolently, else
why else try so hard to be checked out while pretending
to be innocently unaware. As if anybody in the Capitol
is innocent of the vainglory of pretending to be unable
to run a sting, bait a honey trap, finger point, amicus

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