
Thursday, March 11, 2004

Orson Scott Card at www.ornery.com has a rant against gay marriage, in which he predicts that gay marriage will lead to anarchy. Works for me. Don't read the whole thing. Waste of space. Unless maybe you want to find out more about how the silent majority of non-elites feels about this stuff.
Do read his books. The one guy I might actually marry, if he can put up with my slovinliness, is also a fan of Card's books. hat tip occam's toothbrush.

The barbarians think that if they grab hold of the trunk of the tree, they've caught the birds in the branches. But the birds can fly to another tree.

And I don't mean that civilized Americans will move. I mean that they'll simply stop regarding the authority of the government as having any legitimacy.

here's what i wrote in the toothbrush comments section:
And I don't mean that civilized Americans will move. I mean that they'll simply stop regarding the authority of the government as having any legitimacy.

I was expecting a rant about judicial activism, and instead got a rant on how gay marriage will destroy civilization. I liked the above quote; it's one more reason to support gay marriage.
Card, who had reputation capital from his books, spends alot of it here. False factual premises, fallacies in argument, and a lot of reliance on values I don't share. I hope that those who agree with his conclusion will not overlook the mis-steps he takes in getting there. I'll leave the fisking to others.

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