
Friday, April 16, 2004

here's some text.
your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write a short story using one or more of these words. shorter the better. bonus points to using all words in shortest entry.
i chose locoweed. it's a western, and that's all i'm saying for now.
Amy Lamboley at 02:03 PM
The following email made it through my spam filter. Unfortunately, what didn't make it through was the content.

From: [address deleted]
To: alamboley crescatsententia org
Subject: 5 DVD's FOR A BUCK immediate olson dearborn linen hobbyhorse pterodactyl mammalian hebraic westfield muriel boundary cognac constructor brute revertive dung climate adagio fairfax coral sprightly bass hairdo

vorticity locoweed fisherman cornstarch few buzzing gascony advent blur
coroner impale liz collet duluth dusseldorf dreadful egghead juniper
neuronal hemolytic cambodia electrician

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