
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Sunday comics on tuesday.
links to follow.
tang. ok, i'm not sure if that links to tang but it has comics...
quick: what's blondie's maiden name? (not harry) answer.

update: hey i've been blogrolled. ok a blogroll is slightly different,
but this blog is now linked at amptoons, yay me.
the link above goes to a post about ethics and superhero comics.
heavy stuff that i don't have a comeback comment for yet.
it's partly a superheros versus funny talking animals thingy.
me, i'm a subhero, like the moth or the tick, and still evolving.
the arbitrary aardvark is crime-fighting ethicist, a funny talking animal
crusading for truth justice and the american way.
at first it was just an email address.
so far i don't have a costume or an inker.
but as my tenuous connections to the mundane get more tenuous,
what with the collapse of the law firm, the assassination attempts,
descent into poverty and madness, the appeal of putting on the costume and going and doing deeds not specifically authorized by the attorney code of ethics, becomes more appealing.

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