
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Woof? ah, the shift key was stuck. update to follow.
I haven't written anything all week, not sure why.
I was a bit wiped out from a trip to chicago re majors v abell,
in which i have not yet started the petition for writ of cert.
I've been digging up the garden by hand and reading webcomics.

There's another illinois search case, this one about drug dogs.
Hey! there's an angle. A local lawyer I work with has a file on
citizens attacked by police dogs - might be worked into an amicus.
My roommate joell was a plaintiff in edmonds v indianapolis, an earlier drug-dog case.
I haven't read the Ill decision yet, but my concern is like lidster -
why not rely on state constitutional grounds? Why risk having a win in state supreme court overturned? Malpractice? Some other reason?

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