
Monday, May 03, 2004

i'm thinking of a religion.
can you guess which?
it dates back some 5000 years
it has a history of oppression, continuing today, especially in the south.
some of its members went to america, seeking religious freedom.
although probably not more than 3% of the us population, some say its
followers profoundly influence society.
this group is more likely to vote dem than gop.
eugene volokh writes about them.
a subset of this group believes in a system of rituals to produce knowledge or power,
although for most, it's about a general sense of cultural identity.
the group has a handful of holidays, and there are occasional conflicts about getting off school or work.
(more stuff like that that i haven't thought of yet.)
I'm thinking of a religion.
Did you guess witch?

update: volokh responds. he's still wrong, but i'll let it drop.
or maybe not: at the risk of being petty, try replacing 'witches' with 'jews' and see how it reads.

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