
Thursday, June 24, 2004

comment allez-vous
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 11:59:22 -0500, baude@uchicago.edu
> if i knew of an efficient, sensible, and polite way to let only intelligent
> people post comments on crescat, i would seriously consider it.
i replied:
this is related to another discussion i'm involved in -
does everybody in the anarchist bookstore collective get equal say, or
do the people who show up for their shifts and wash the dishes get
extra input?
slashdot is the canonical model of automated reputation capital
commenting, but i admit i've never
figured it out, and only go to slashdots threads when some trusted
person links to them.
here's how i would do it at crescat, if it were up to me.
1) advertize for a flunky, a human who would scan comments, and toggle
a switch to make the astute ones visible. the others stay invisible.
ok, multiple flunkies; this model works well for hotornot.com.
volunteer mods scan new pics for tos violations. it works pretty
a different approach is micropayments - it costs $1,
paypal e-gold or amazon, to post a comment, but if the readers vote
'that comment didn't suck', you get credit of $1 for your next
comment. $1 is arbitrary it could be $10 or $100, depending
how adverse you are to comments.
these schemes are relatively easy to implement, given the number of
code jockeys who are fans of your site.
you could then license or give away the model,
using copynorms but not patents.
an arbitrary aardvark.
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effecient and sensible. i lack sufficient understanding of your human culture to assess the 'polite' aspect.

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