
Sunday, June 20, 2004

sunday morning musings.

the house next to mine has been vacant for 5 years since the owner died. ordinarily that's a blessing, quiet-wise.
about once a year some guy comes by with a weed whacker, and today's the day. currently i'm not drinking, so this isn't a hangover. it's just noise too early.

when i moved to this town - america's biggest small town - about ten years ago, i had a feeling there was more to it just under the surface. www.indianapolishardcore.com was the missing ingredient. found it last night googling for www.solidaritybooks.com. can i get my ten years back? today they have a breadnotbombs lunch downtown and tonight a punk show for the location of the anarchist bookstore. note to self - bring ear plugs.

cool tools is a site plugged by tyler cowan, a conspirator plugged by jim at vice squad.

a brief look at cool tools validates that the tools are cool, in the way that tyler looks for. tyler, i think, is extropian without knowing it - he keeps pointing out ways that what we think we know is rooted in the technology of yesterday, and is being swept away by the technology of tomorrow.

cool - tool cooperatives at libraries. i remember discussing tool cooperatives 15 years ago, but not getting past talking. uncool - the tool cooperatives cool tools points to are funded by organized crime subunits, berkeley, oakland, etc.

cool/uncool - the ipal portable jukebox. sonic pollution devices for attention craving juvenile chimps. the boombox of the 21st century.

cool? compact flourescent bulbs coated with titanium dioxide that destroy odors. i don't get the science, but it's a catalyst?
i remember when hunter and amory lovins showed me a compact flourescent in 1981 and said "these are going to change the world!"
finally, they are $3 at sam's club, and i installed some yesterday,
as the ones i got 5 years ago have broken or wandered off.
titanium dioxide is dirt cheap on the moon - it's a component of moon rock dust.
cool! i could market these bulbs to stoners.

cool: merck home medical bible free online.
uncool: merck tortures puppies and bunnies, and helps the drive to chimp extinction.

cool: the innovator's dilemma. explains what i was trying to say above, about how technology is sweeping out the old in unknowable ways.

cool: a framework for understanding poverty.
explains how the social organization of the poor and middle classes and the rich are different.
uncool: at $22 at amazon, i don't see this becoming a best seller in the hood. but, i spoze someone could request a review copy, write an article for the 'zines... information wants to be free, and cheap, but with the infosplosion one can't read everything.

[test to see if this double-posts - it triple-posted, fixed.]
also cool was going to bread not bombs downtown. channel 13 showed up, so the health department might be there next week.
gwen and the cute guy in the durritti [durrutti?] tshirt and i raced around and played with their dogs while mentally ill people and bums (i include myself) came by for food and good company. they weren't the same people from the anarchist bookstore benefit tonight.
update - it's an incestuous little world - gwen used to go out with the guy from the gender discussion group who has started a cool bikeblog.

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