
Friday, June 25, 2004

sunnstein on my shoulder, part 2.

this continues a thread about cass sunnstein, chicago lawprof guest blogger at volokh.
post title is from a song by a busker i met in boulder:
sunshine on my shoulder ... gives me sunburn.
sunshine in my eyes ... can make me blind

3 years of hell joins the fray with useful commentary.
i didn't find the source for social security i was looking for, but from here, here are some whaddayacallems, constitutive commitments.

Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. [irs]
5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. [federal reserve]
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. [highways airports mass transit]
10. Free education for all children in public schools.

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