
Thursday, June 24, 2004

we can't all fit on the bus.
we're all bozos on the bus.
update: after a few tries, i was able to register and post a comment at volokh. a guest poster has enabled comments to his posts; the regular conspirators choose not to. for a mega-popular blog like volokh, selectively enabling commentsseems wise; it is the approach wil at wwdn is using.

What i'm hearing, if i remember right, is that you are both a literalist and a libertarian. I could make some guesses about your meyer-briggs score, what the advocates for self-government call a 'green card.' i suspect that your teacher, a government agent, did not share the same world view. How did she -feel- about the size of the bus? What behavioral outcomes could be predicted by her verbal cues? How was the bus size issue resolved? If, as libertarian literalists, we are going to conquer the world, or at least find our place in it, we need to learn a bit about how the other team plays. -arbitray aardvark.
[will sees volokhian comments as harbingers of doom.]

this was a comment that didn't post at volokh.

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