
Tuesday, June 15, 2004


today i was downtown riding my bike sort of randomly.
a well-dressed young man tried to hand me a pamphlet. i assumed it was along the lines of a jack chick tract. i glanced at it, started to hand it back. i was puzzled by their sign, help stop spiritual violence. 'ok, i'll bite. what's spiritual violence?'
he explained they were there protesting [contesting?] the anti-gay positions of the southern baptists, who were meeting in the convention center across the street. light began to dawn, although it took awhile.
i started to listen to the songs they were singing, and dumpster dived some of their literature that people were throwing away, and reading it.
their tshirts said www.soulforce.org, and some had pictures of gandhi and king. i circled the block and came back, and had a few questions for one of them, a yummy cute boy from oberlin. 'soul force - is that satyagraha?' yep. 'hey! you guys are into what i'm into!' gradually i joined the circle, and then went for sushi with cute boy #1, his cool sister, their dad, cute boy #2, cute girl #2, and some guy. i had the usual, edamame, green tea, kappa roll. cute boy #2 wouldn't let me buy him dinner, and he got away, but we had fun. we did a rainbow vigil with glowsticks and sang baptist folk songs,
we shall overcome, that sort of thing. we had a stategy meeting at the comfort inn, and talked about doing 'equality rides' to fundy colleges like wheaton college, where coming out means getting kicked out. i offered to help with legal support, since they expect to get arrested doing this. i'd brushed up my connections with lambda legal just a few days ago. i might also want to run this by wil wheaton.
i'm off now to check out the website.
i don't know yet if this is just the spiritual equivalent of a one night stand, or if i've found a church. i've been reading
"the artist's way: discovering and recovering creativity",
and it warned me to expect serendipity.

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