
Thursday, July 01, 2004

crescat groupiness:
is there a better blog out there than crescat sententia?
granted, it caters to certain of my biases.
law related, interactive, metrosexual, which i am not, not that there's anything wrong with that, libertarian flavored without being dogmatic.
it combines aspects of volokh [heavy on law, with a little poetry] and wwdn [heavy on introspection, geek pride, with a little public policy] and links to the essential blogs
[although essential ends to mean the ones linked at crescat - i make no claim to have explored thewhole blogoverse.]
it's not as link-heavy as boing-boing, but doesn't need to be. someone, eric s raymond or maybe l neil smith, said there are three kinds of blogs, linkers, thinkers, and diarists. crescat combines the three nicely, nicely.
if only it had comments. i should learn how that track-back thing works. as someone who has been around computers since 1974, i don't know much about how they work.

this was going to be just a lead-in to praise of kissing poetry and a critique of judicial infringement of the jury nullification rights of cross-wearers, but i have to run to the dentist. apparently my physical and mental health could improve if i get some of these bad teeth pulled, and we reached an acceptable compromise on the your-money-or-your-life problem. i'm thinking, i'm linking, i'm diary-ing. more later.

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