
Friday, August 27, 2004

Crescat Sententia: August 26, 2004 Archives baude on posner. in which it is revealed baude worked for posner, didn't know that part. see also bond, heidi.
as for me, i was offered a job in the real world today, and hope to turn it down.
waiting on callback from other place.

why i am a baudeholic:
And remember: once you read one sentence, even this one, you'll be driven to read more and more until your eyes give out!

Do you steal from your children's piggy banks to buy books?
No, didn't have kids, too busy reading.
Have you lost literally dozens of friends who died as a direct result of over-reading?
Have you ...lost your driver's license?
Has your doctor told you to either stop reading or die?
Nope, don't have a doctor.
Do you buy your books at different stores so the clerks won't say, "You back again?"?
Do you hide books in the garage and tell Irene you're going to get something there, in order to sneak a chapter?
Not irene specificly.
Have you ever been threatened with end-stage cirrosis of the eyes?
My mom is there. the glasses, the heavier glasses, the laser surgery, the glasses, the heavier glasses, the reading by magnifying glass.
If so, let's talk! Maybe you ought to get a sponsor in RA (Readers Anonymous) that you can call in the middle of the night when you get the urge to read.
once you read one sentence, even this one, you'll be driven to read more and more until your eyes give out!
I figure, by the time the singularity rolls around in 2012, I can get new eyes.

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