
Friday, August 06, 2004

  1. will writes, rightly,
    -","Re: Electoral Vote","",[]
    D(["mb","Thanks. It's rapidly becoming all-crescat-commentary all the time.\\W\",1]

Well, will, while I can't disagree, i can, in part, explain. The focus of where I find community on the internet varies over time. listservs, usenet, egroups>onelist>yahoo, php forums, blogger, and currently mostly myspace.com and stripcreator. I'd been heavily , effort-wise, in wil wheatons php forum, the soapbox,a nd moved from there into blogging at blogger.the blogs i was reading daily included 1. electionlawblog.org, which has its own mailing list and i tend to write about at my election law blog, ballots.blogspot.com, 2. volokh.com, 3, crescat, and then a handful of blogs i'd check in on now and then, most of which had their own comments section. so my posts here have often been about volokh or crescat. i don't get back here much lately. i share one web connection between two people, two net addicts. Most of my limited energy goes into myspace, which combines some of the best features of blogger and www.hotornot.com, while avoiding its drawbacks.

I even did an aol chat the other day - there's a major time waster. Although it was big fun. i think i have relearned the <> <- no longer certain what was in the brackets, i think i meant the href and img tags. see next entry.

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