
Thursday, September 02, 2004

Here's an actual post:
Via volokh, this seems to be a clever parody of something, possibly swift boat veterans.
At the risk of giving away the joke, it's about bush, was a he really a harvard cheerleader?
The eerie paralells between jfk and jfk - kennedy and kerry - crop up again.
I'm reading "the search for kennedy."
It turns out the kennedy legend of john being a pt boat hero were mostly manufactured by his dad's press agent. His boat got run over by a japanese ship. Instead of going down with the ship, he swam to shore, after saving a wounded crew member. Ok, he's a good swimmer.
So the 1960 contest for the democratic nomination is not one between john kennedy and evil genius lbj. It is between evil genius joe kennedy senio and evil genius lbj, and at some point they cut a deal and join forces, so they can defeat evil genius nixon.
There is a hint, on p 400 something, that Joe wrote his memoirs, but they were not published because they would be embarrasing to John. That's from a book in 1974. So, were the joe kennedy memoirs ever published? Are they still around? Could they be published now?
A few months ago, maybe last winter, a friend of mine died. It was known he had left some kind of book or diary. I spent some time persuading his nephew to allow web publication of that material. I don't have a url, but it's been posted privately on a discussion board we are on.
Some chapters written by my friend, others by his boyfriend, who had died a couple years earlier, who i knew, but not as well.
A lost robert heinlein novel was found in a box in a garage last year. It's not that good, from what I hear - there are reasons novels get lost. But it has meaning to those of us who scarf up every drop of heinlein we can find - www.heinleinsociety.org and also to those of us who see a connection between his ideas and those of ayn rand.
So, finding and publishing joe kennedy's memoirs - that would help make my mark.
Buried treasure. Maybe it's already been done. I haven't even googled for it.
So i'm still, slowly and casually, reseaching lbj's presidential years, following the model of Robert Caro. In a caro bio, you don't start with your subject. you find your subject's enemy, find out who his grandfather was, and tell that story, in 50 pages or so.
So a bio of johnson's presdiential years would include material on john kennedy, joe kennedy, john fitzgerald. the book i'm reading tells part of that story, tells it well, ands my bath water is hot, so i'll wrap this up. -30-.

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