
Thursday, September 02, 2004

Why I don't post here much lately:

This blog is on semi-hiatus.
By that I mean, I just don't post here much.
I used to have a reader, maybe only the one, but a good one.
If I'd gotten comments working, I might have had more feedback.
Right now, I am depressed. Maybe that's just from not enough sleep.
But I've been dealing with depression at least since i was 17,
and probably longer.
Self medication is not an option right now, and I haven't found a shrink to work with
(what with being broke) or a drug that helps.
I should be all cheered up right now, because I had a great call from a close friend ..
oh, ok that's why i don't post here much lately...
al my current writing is about me, and how depressed I am, and this isn't the blog for that. I do that blogging at myspace.com, arbitraryaardvark, for a few of my myfriends.
This blog was supposed to be about ideas, memes floating around in the blogosphere.
Another reason is that my access to computers is a little iffy - i might lose the dsl and have a wait before i get cable or - the horror! - have to get by on dialup for a little while.
Another reason is that my energy level is low.
Another reason is that I have pressing concerns in the so-called real world.
Among other things, I need a job.
So, on the off chance anyone is reading this and has an opening for a slightly used lawyer,
who used to be a pretty good dishwasher and a so-so headwaiter and an ok janitor,
I am available. I am in indianapolis. Willing to relocate, given a living wage that makes relocation feasible.
Ordinarily, I have a strong work ethic, lousy people skills, and am organizationally challenged.
Right now the work ethic comes and goes - give me work to do, and I think it would come back;
here, no work, few prospects, it is hard to get started. I am going to go read in the bath and maybe go back to bed.

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