
Sunday, November 21, 2004

dick tracy wrist radio from swatch. well not exactly.

It's a watch with news and weather and sports scores and such, msn instant messaging incoming but not outgoing, relatively cheap at $150. I think this is relatively useless for most geeks. Where I could see this having an application is for your boss to make you wear one. It would be a like a brand (in the sense of product loyalty, not scarring disfigurement.) With everybody in a workgroup using them, there would develop a culture of use, lowering the learning curve. At one of my jobs we carried an alphanumeric pager, which I of course lost. Harder to lose a watch although I look at my wrist and notice I'm not wearing one. I guess I need one that only costs $5 but you can take in the shower. I have certain anti-geek tendencies. Along with the wireless pda and the solar backpack, a few gadgets like this will ease the transition into becoming a gargoyle (a person with wearable computing.) I guess my main objection is that it's a gadget rather than being an actual wrist computer, and that it doesn't talk. A talking wrist computer, which should be doable, will tear up the niche for these. Probably all ready out there, i don't follow this geek stuff,
especially since wired lost my address.

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