
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

i still don't have permalinks working.

The future of the court
Will Baude at 11:18 PM

The Arbitrary Aardvark endorses sometime co-blogger Heidi Bond for Chief Justice. Meanwhile, Heidi Bond endorses Will Baude for president. I'd rather have her job, even after watching 35 episodes of the West Wing.

Now, technically, it's more an illustrative example than an endorsement. I think Heidi is too much of a good liberal to be an acceptable choice for bush, although supreme court opinions would get more interesting, and she has libertarian leanings and common sense that had put her on my short list. Baude gets negative points for being in the white male demographic, bonus points for age, a reasonable alternative for volokh. Both are on my short list. Bush hasn't actually asked my opinion on this.


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