
Monday, November 08, 2004

what's shaking chiefy baby? - justice marshall's greeting to chief justice burger.
drudge hints bush likes thomas for chief if the chief retires. volokh conspiracy suggests volokh. neither is as far fetched as it sounds. i won't bet the farm on it.
thomas is young. i don't know much about his diet or blood pressure - as an african american male in DC, what's his life expectany? he's a bold orginal thinker who could take the court in new directions. if bush wants controversy, that would do it.
volokh to fill thomas's seat would be a balanced choice. janice brown?
kozinski would satify the volokhians.i expect the eventual nominee to be hispanic surnamed, which doesn't narrow the field that much. elevating o'connor would require a deal that she resign before bush leaves office, otherwise she's too old.
markets in everything - is it legal to bet on who gets nominated? that's if a vacancy occurs during bush the second's second term. scotusblog has more.er, but the link didn't copy.

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