
Monday, November 22, 2004

why we can't win.
("We" here does not include me; I'm not at war with Iraq)
Ordinarily I brush off anything from lew rockwell dot com as crankism - i found the link at "a crank's progress."
But here, a soldier in iraq makes a good case that the way in which the war is being fought produces a guerilla stuggle against the foreign invaders (reign by foes)and that the more iraqi patriots Bush kills, the more take their place.
It's red dawn with farsi subtitles. It's the seven pillars of wisdom with Bush as Turkey. Happy Thanksgiving. Allahu Akbar.
Oh this is cool.
The seven pillars of wisdom is now free online.
This is the book that became "Lawrence of Arabia".
I have recently reread Lawrence's "Revolt in the Desert", and I am somewhat unclear on the connection between the two books; they overlap and are two tellings of the same story. Maybe I'll get that sorted out. (pillars, 1922, revolt, 1927, pillars a little more philosophical, still, unclear.) Revolt is available as e-book but not free online as far as I can google.
In the March 1, 2004 London Times there are actually two different articles addressing the vital relevance of Seven Pillars of Wisdom for those fighting Arab guerrillas in Irag today.
The seven pillars is must reading for anyone who thinks persia can held indefinately by non persians. The first Bush crusade of 91 was brilliant in comparison. - get in, get out, declare victory and go home.
It's also a rollicking good read. Not recommended for law students - once begun, you can't put it down.
if i have it right lawrence died in 35 so his stuff becomes public domain 1/1/06,
while pills is from 1922 and public domaon, while revolt is 1927 so after the cutoff.

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