
Thursday, December 16, 2004

I can’t consistently speak my mind and be understood even when I know the words for the sentence. Why can the police simply stop someone and ask for identification: can’t we have a debate on whether this is a necessary evil or a dangerous one. Why must students always take their notes in blue pen: it’s not so an original can be told from a Xerox

Amanda is giving up on kazahkstan. I think she wasn't corrupt enough (possibly a gender linked trait) to see the entrepreurial opportunities. But I was reminded of:

The defendant also stated that he did not need to produce identification, that he was on public property and that "this isn't Russia. I'm not showing you any . . . ."
The defendant was convicted, based on these actions, of interfering with a police officer, but the Appellate Court reversed. Refusing to identify oneself and saying "this isn't Russia. I'm not showing you any [identification]" was perfectly legal under Connecticut law...
I haven't seen Caddyshack, but I have read Hiibel.

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