
Monday, December 27, 2004

I have returned. Over the blizzard and through the goods.
I am gratefully logging in, after a week offline and out of an urgent need to avoid the reality of leaky frozen pipes.

So far i have ranted at catalarchy and chatted with a chat buddy and now a blog entry.
over at this week's host for the carnival, trends for 2005. http://www.business-opportunities.biz/
# Obesity - While rising obesity levels are old news, apparently the trail of business niches to serve bigger people is just getting legs. It includes everything from the obvious (plus-size apparel) to the more subtle (plus-size caskets, and higher-capacity scales).
# The Third Place - People are looking for a third place to get away from home and work (the first and second places). Restaurants, coffee shops and other outlets equipped with WiFi are going out of their way to keep patrons around as long as possible. Sounds like just what we don't need with expanding waistlines -- eateries that never want you to leave....
# Snobization - "Middle-class Americans are turning into a bunch of snobs," according to the article. It refers to everyday items being turned into chic luxury goods, but not necessarily expensive ones. The take-away for small businesses: see if you can transform your products and services from ordinary to premium.

Or, the unpleasantness of the bologna club sandwich...
Let's put these three trends together.. a club for fat snobs. Call it the city club.
Like a country club, no golf or tennis courts. Videogames, wireless net access, port,
a butler.
Variation: city club for bears, fat gay guys. Comfy chairs, good books, driver handy,
sort of a co-op arrangement. Oh, like giovanni's room in philly, only not as a bookstore, but as a membership-driven library. Ok, that was the creative thought for the day. Now I'm off to my club, the unicorn.

oh, the rest of the trends list, briefly:
* Authenticity -
* Age 35 -
* Multitasking and Memory Loss -
* Obesity -
* The Third Place -
* Snobization -
* Uniqueness -
* Life Caching -

So a third place for obese gentlefolk of taste (with a gay cabal offering the ingroup snob appeal factor) reeking of authenticty, pitched at 35somethings, with memory aids from espresso to lifechaching archiving to nootropics, all very unique.
Authenticity is the key - once you can fake that, you win. Craft a uniquely authentic look, then franchise it - worked for Abercrombie and Fitch.

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