
Wednesday, December 08, 2004

notes for a supreme court weekly roundup:

today: beef. likely winner: tribe, scotusbloggers.
and a good QI case about search and seizure.
yesterday: wine. likely winner www.ij.org.
kansas v colorado: winer, principal: KS (not k/s). winner, interest, CO.
monday: loser: masturbating cop.
last week: pot as commerce - to fond of barnett to be objective
no word yet:
the case of the sniffing dog.
not sure. something about satanists. luckily these are just notes.

The Institute’s lead plaintiff in the case is Juanita Swedenburg, a Virginia winemaker and member of the Daughters of the American Revolution—an organization whose members can trace their ancestry back to those who fought for American independence during the Revolutionary War. Swedenburg traces her heritage back to Continental Army soldier James Whitaker. Swedenburg said, “Our country was founded as a nation that would have free trade between the states, but my small winery continues to run into a patchwork of laws that prevent me from selling my legal product to otherwise legal consumers. I hope the Supreme Court will restore my constitutional right to earn an honest livelihood. I hope the Court plays its important part as spelled out in our Constitution to stop this legislative abuse of power on behalf of the liquor cartels’ good-old-boy network.
This was not IJ's only case this year - IJ's castle coalition has an eminent domain abuse case on the way. Their win in the "got milk" case is on appeal but will likely follow the decision in the beef case. They have a casket case from oklahoma that probably won't get cert granted.

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