
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

50 webcomics:
lore. hella funny.
her! what's funny about this one is the titles aren't in the strip itself, but they can be the funniest part, like in sinfest. strip's ok tho.
bonus anton sherwood comment in episode 19.
bonus tentacle monster/girl scene in episode 61.
superosity. badly drawn, not funny.
Well drawn. So far not funny. Ambivalent review.
badly drawn, occasionaly funny, likeable characters, but maybe i've just reached a saturation point for webcomics for now.
it's a post i can update as i go along, no plan to do all 50 tonight.
Cute talking baby foxes. Not bad. Not great. Next?
Sinfest. It's already in the blogroll. Isn't is? Consistently funny sexy and deep.
Best part is the description of the artist. E.g. yesterday's "him we do not speak of. tatsuya ishida." Not that that's funny in itself, but it's a nuance worth going back for. Found sinfest via tang, which, if it's on the websnark's list, I haven't gotten that far yet. (Not there. Must fix.)
Suburban Jungle - well drawn, likeable characters, but I don't care enough to stick with it.
Goats I just don't really care for. I mean, actively dislike.
Today's buddha's you momma's so fat joke is funny tho.
PvP is a gamer comic. I'm a geek, but not a gamer geek. The only games I play are chess, monopoly, and elections.
This looks cool. It's made with photos of game pieces, in much the way
fuzzy knights is made with stuffed animals. [note to self add fuzzy knights link.
put sinfest in blogroll. do important thing downtown. write some memos.]
I realize these are gamer comics, and I just said I don't like gamer comics.
Funny, cute, self-deprecating, works. Y'know, like Gabe.
Two lumps will have its fans among cat lovers. I'll skip it. Enough for tonight.

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