
Sunday, January 02, 2005

Google lists 17 places where one can give away money to help tsunami-related clients.
Google does not list any places for investing in helping tsunami-related clients.
I think this is a huge mistake.
I'm not singling out google - even catallarchy, which should know better, takes the same approach.
Most people don't invest in places like sumatra because it's too high risk, and hard to get information to manage the risk. But when the same people are willing to donate, not just risk but with a certainty lose the whole investment, high risk is no longer an obstacle. Donating is a win/lose game. It tends to be a fad of the week kind of thing.
Investing is a more sustainable over the long haul, and returns from investment at one site can be plowed back into the next crisis center.
This is related to why I don't donate blood. I have sold plasma, which is legal, and worked, not very hard, to legalize blood sales.
Donating to tsunami clients - why? How much? How long?
Why is the idea of markets still so foreign to us?
Apparently other people see the world very differently than I do, and this frustrates me.
Meanwhile I did nothing useful today. It's rained all weekend - maybe global warming is already here; I don't remember this much rain in the winter when I was a kid.
Not that I was planning to leave the house anyway. I am reading the Gibson and then I have the Gaiman and some new Kennedy books, for when I run out of stuff to read online.

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