
Thursday, January 27, 2005

Howard reports this unusual story.
A st louis school board member and frequent candidate suffering from depression has posted suicidal thoughts on his blog.
Interesting to read about someone more messed up than I am.
He's working at walmart and is an adjunct professor. I've thought about applying to be an adjunct professor and at walmart, but just never got around to it.
I've run for a missouri school board, cope with depression, loneliness and money troubles. I am not suicidal, far from it. I want to live forever and get really ticked off when certain people keep trying to kill me. My heart goes out to the guy. I wonder if he has comments on his blog.

he does:
gt said...
Hi Bill. By all means get a tip jar (an online donation thingy. get back to me if you need to learn how. www.e-gold.com is useful in addition to paypal. but i digress) since you've been farked at linked at how appealing. for those of us with depression, blogging is therapeutic. i found "the artist's way" helpful.
hey i hope as i look as good as you do at 60.
i mentioned you at my blog vark.blogspot.com, not that i have any readers. we have a lot in common. i've run for a missouri school board, been a perpetual candidate, am alone broke and worried. running out of money isn't the end of the world. much of the world lives on less than $1000 a year. if you run out of rent money, i have a shack you can stay in - then you'd really be depressed. but it's an option, and you want to expand your options, to avoid a sense of helplessless and expand your sense of freedom.
a guy's who not afraid of death can be fearless and can try anything. that gives you power most people dont have. if you don't mind a cynical joke, my friend vern used to say "don't kill yourself. kill other people." feel free to drop me a line anytime, or not.
- the arbitrary aardvark

10:24 AM

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