
Sunday, January 09, 2005

my comment at catallarchy on post about open source, 1/09/05.
ah ok, it finally posted there. wasn't sure for awhile which is why i copied it here.

I’m going to arbitrarily say there are 4 kinds of transactions.
1- forced, e.g. governmental or burglars.
2. monetized - buying and selling
3. voluntary - transactions without formal monetization
4. the 4th is a sort of catch all which includes choices an individial makes (eat lunch now or later?) as well as actions by animals and vegetables. these can be looked at in terms of costs and benefits, but are not monetized.
we, capitalists or catallarchists or whoever we are, might tend to use
"economic” to mean 2 and 3, or 2,3 and 4.
I think they, the author of the cited post and his/her intended audience, is using economic in a narrower sense of 2 only.
Since socialism can refer to both 1 and 3, it’s important to clear up misunderstandings. Free enterprise is about both monetized and gift economy exchanges. The open source revolution can be a triumph for both capitalism and socialism. We would argue that open source public goods is an example of market success, not market failure. This can further the marxist goal of the withering away of the state, so it’s in our interest to encourage the left to focus on doing things via open source instead of via government.
I added category 4 because there seems to be a pretty good understanding around here that economy and ecology are the same thing, that adam smith and charles darwin were both talking about heyekian order.
We may get further in working with the liberals if we can express market solutions are ecologically sound, green and progressive.
by arbitrary aardvark

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