
Thursday, January 13, 2005

Placeholder for a post on the immigration cases handed down yesterday.
Yes, I wrote that they sounded boring and that i wouldn't be blogging them.
That was before I learned one was about Somalia.
This could be very interesting - or very dry.
The United States Supreme Court talking about deporting somebody to a place where there is no government as we know it - could be some deep political theory there. Or not.
Haven't read the cases yet. Jama v. ICE.
It's a case involving the attorney general and allegations of torture, or threat of torture. Scalia treats it mostly as a matter of statutory interpretation. Souter dissents so it's 5-4.
Conservative 5 against liberal 4.
It was mostly dull, and didn't really talk about Somalia at all. There's a bit at the end of the dissent where there is a discussion of separation of powers and immigration being an enumerated power of congress. Review: skip this one.

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