
Thursday, January 20, 2005

Popup ads legal in utah.
Texaslawblog points to this findlaw article
which says that under a Utah antispam law, since replealed anyway, pop-ups weren't spam. Off to read the article.
The law was repealed because it worked so well.
In May 2004, the Utah Act was repealed -- after a flood of anti-spam lawsuits clogged the courts. The pop-up ads weren't covered because they weren't email, and the statute said email. No, I'm wrong - the statute said any kind of computer commincation, and it was the court that construed it to mean email only.
I have thought about "unauthorized access to computers" type statutes, anti-hacking laws from the 80s or 90s, whether they would apply to pop-ups. Code versus code: firefox is pretty good at blocking pop-ups, except the ones at drudgereport.com.

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