
Friday, January 14, 2005

Senator Miller wants to kill you.
Indystar article.
Patricia Miller is an Indiana state senator, and a high mucketeymuck in the "my bitch mitch" daniels administration.
She has a bill to ban cloning.
Her motive is right-to-life based, and there's something noble about that.
But it's your life she's after. She wants you to die.
She and Osama Bin Laden have that in common.
In the 14th century, life expectance was about 44. I'm 44.
Let's say you, oh reader, are 22, or thereabouts.
If Miller wins, and we can stop science dead in its tracks here and now,
you would have about another 66 years, till 2071.
But if cloning and science continue to progress the way computers did from 1955 to 2005,in 2060 you should be able to trade in your current body for a cloned new model, good for another 88 years or so, and the 2150 models look pretty cool, what with the enhanced intelligence, ability to leap tall buildings, fly through space,and so forth. This is your future, if you embrace it, avoid cigarettes, war, getting run over, and Senator Miller doesn't kill you.
She's not pro-life. She's pro-death. Yours.
It's personal.
You can let her win, and kill you, or you can stop her.
It's up to you.

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