
Thursday, January 27, 2005

Will Baude wonders when is the draft involuntary servitude, what is treason.
I wonder if Akhil Amir (oh, akhil ~ achilles, i never caught that before) is actually smarter than Baude. In my experience, law professors are smart, and Yale gets the cream of the crop, and what I've read of Amir I've liked, but we're dealing with a schroedinger's grades issue.
When I first ran into Baude online I thought, aha, here's a smart guy like me. Then it dawned on me, much later, that he may be far smarter, like Volokh-level smart.
So far I haven't been able to run controlled experiments over coffee and chess.
Anyway, Baude's blogging about book 6, while I'm just starting book 4,and in his spare time he attends Yale. Anyway, I'm off to have coffee with a guy who actually read my blog, and knows some people I know, so that might be fun. [later update - it went nicely nicely.]
when does mandatory public schooling become involuntary servitude?

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